Step up to EIKEN







Step up to EIKEN


The Eiken English proficiency exam will take place tomorrow in Nagasaki City. At Kaisei Junior High School,

we don’t require that our students take any Eiken exams, but we’re happy to help any students who are interested in challenging themselves and taking the exams.


This year, part of the help that we’re providing to students who are interested is digital. Using the Metamoji Classroom application, all students have access to small collections of practice exercises from former Eiken exams. I call these exercises “Eiken Corner”. There are currently 1 set of Eiken Corner exercises for each grade of Eiken from grade 5 to grade 2.

These are intended to be 5 to 10 minutes of practice exercises that students can do at anytime on their iPads to help them prepare for the tests. These collections of exercises were choreographed to expose students to the range of questions that will appear in the Eiken tests so that they won’t face any surprises when they eventually take the exam. Once they’ve completed the exercises, the students have access to the answers so they can check their work by themselves.


Because of the versatility of the Metamoji Classroom application students can also try out a mix listening activities from the Eiken exams within each Eiken Corner. Giving them a holistic understanding of each level of test.


Students who haven’t already tried out the Eiken Corner exercises will be able to access them all year, so there’s plenty of time to prepare for future attempts. And students who have already done the exercises can look forward to more sets coming in the future.